Mr Andrew Miller is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon 
working in South Wales with a special interest in Hip and Knee problems 
such as Trauma and Arthritis

Hip and Knee Surgery

Arthroscopic (Keyhole) Surgery, Outpatient (home the same day) Partial and Total Joint Replacements, Revision Joint Replacements and Robotic Surgery


Broken Bones, Sports Injuries, Tendon Injuries,  Hip and Knee Joint Problems 

Pain Killing Injections 

In Clinic Ultrasound guided injections of pain killing and Anti Inflammatory  Injections such as Cortisone, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Hyaluronan and Hydrogels

Mr Andrew Miller MB BCh BSc MSc MD FRCS (Orth)

Hip and Knee Specialist

Mr Andrew Miller is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon who has undertaken the prestigious Bristol Advanced Hip fellowship and was nationally selected as the TIG Major Trauma fellow to work alongside the military in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. He was also honored to be selected as the OTA Traveling fellow to work in Tampa, USA where he worked alongside leading American trauma surgeons and trained in robotic joint replacement surgery.  

He is an honorary clinic lecturer at Cardiff University where he undertook his doctorate in the Bio-medical and Bio-engineering Institute. He has a specialist research interest in novel injectable drugs that can be used to prevent or slow the development of arthritis such as PRP and DMOADs. 

Mr Miller has published papers on the benefit of partial knee replacements and potential therapeutic drug targets to prevent arthritis in addition to editing revision text books for doctors in training. 

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